Sunday, July 18, 2010

By the numbers


Its been two weeks since we moved into our Dream Home and its been one project after another. Even though I cried myself to sleep the first night (due to exhaustion compounded by a busted water pipe), we’re enjoying our new adventure and having a blast every step of the way. Here is a breakdown of the last two weeks by the numbers:

1 = number of busted water pipes in the upstairs bathroom, the leak from which created a swimming pool downstairs
1 = number of nights that I cried myself to sleep (see reason above)
1 = number of emergency calls to the plumber (see reasons above)
1 = number of BBQs held in honor of the FIFA Word Cup finale (woohoo Spain!)
2 = number of visits from the HVAC repairman
2 = number of dumpsters we rented to hall away our trash
3 = number of faucets installed by our hand dandy family members
3 = number of attempts it took my dad and Ronnie to install the downstairs toilet
4 = number of men it took to install our new super duper amazing Viking rangetop
5 = number of days that reached above 95 degree temperatures
6 = number in feet of baseboard molding that Ronnie installed all by himself
7 = number of days we survived without a clothes dryer
8 = number of light fixtures installed by our handy dandy family members
9 = number of handy dandy family members that helped us move, unpack, install, fix, clean, and rewire
10 = number of hours it took us to install our Ikea closet
11 = number of trips to the Home Depot
13 = number of guests that have slept over (thankfully, not all at the same time)
16 = number of days in our Dream Home