ETA. In real estate speak that means Extension of Time Addendum. But it might as well mean Estimate Time of Arrival, because that is what our closing date has been… estimate. And boy were we (WAY) off. We have had the pleasure of signing three of these ETAs. That’s right, we have had to postpone our closing date three times. Our original closing date has come and gone OVER A MONTH AGO. Can you hear the typed cap frustration? By now we should have been in our house, picking out curtains, laying sod, and decorating the guest bedroom. Instead we are still in our 1-bedroom apartment. And every Friday we have to stare at our boxes and wonder if they'll ever go anywhere besides our patio, call the painter to postpone his start date, and beg our apartment manager to let us stay one more week. We are officially in escrow limbo. And its hell.
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